Friday, 29 April 2011

We're off........

This blog post will be the last for a few weeks as we are heading off for a week into the far corner of north east India.

This is our first proper holiday for a while and we’d originally planned to go to the north-east and north-west on separate holidays…oh well!

If we have the chance, we’ll post some pictures of our trip into the Himalayas as we escape the Delhi heat (now above 40c) and take in the clean mountain air.
We fly out of Delhi on Monday to go to Gangtok. From there we’ll meander  through Sikkim – India’s smallest state which is slightly larger than the size as Norfolk but with a slightly smaller population. Our week long trip takes in Monasteries, learnings on Tibetology, a tea plantation in Darjeeling, and seeing the sun rise over Everest. We’ll be staying in a mix of ‘home-stays’ and hotels…including the Glenburn Tea Estate, where we’ll be pretending to live the life of a Tea Plantation Manager.

We fly back to Delhi the following Sunday before departing on the Monday back to England – with thanks to Mr B and Virgin for allowing us to double extra baggage allowance!


  1. Hey Dan! We'll miss you at AFA! Have a great holiday and keep in touch! Didn't get to say bye to you yesterday...Are you on facebook? I hope you will continue with your blog!

    Bye and All the Best!


  2. India will miss your kindness. Best wishes.
