Wednesday, 6 April 2011

A new love

After years of spending my 'spare' time reading strategies and minutes and writing reports, I’ve grown to enjoy writing again through this blog. It’s become a place to share what’s going on without knowing if anyone’s really reading. I kinda think of it as standing at the bar and sharing my deepest thoughts with my drunken friend (you know who you are) who’s too drunk to respond.
So I admit my shame to you now. I have a new love in my life. Yes, I know I’ve been married less than a year and it’ll probably just end up as a temporary and passing fad - but right now, it isn’t.
My new love was waiting for me upon my return from Calcutta. As things have hotting up ever since my return, every night I come home from work nothing brings me more pleasure than to be in her company. Algy Acey is her full name (albeit she’s also better known by her initials – LG a/c)…..and she’s the latest in split level 1.5t air-conditioning. Living in the UK one tends not to need a knowledge of a/c units but knowing that the temperature would be rising to 50c, and particularly as a cold blooded creature, life without an a/c unit would be unthinkable. With a bit of research as to what to get, I always knew she was always going to be The One. Okay, she’s a luxury (and some would class her as ‘high-maintenance’ (and friends know I don’t do high-maintenance) as she’ll be doubling our electricity bill) but we did a deal with Katie’s employer who paying 50% of the cost and takes ownership of her upon our departure.
So it’s great to think that when I leave her (and yes, tears may be shed), Algy Acey will be in good hands and a safe home.

Algy Acey!


  1. Let me know when I'm number 1 again what can I find ........

  2. Katie and Daniel,

    Your blog I am sure is followed by many others like myself. Although, I must admit that I do not read all posts in full but do like to follow.

    Your humility, wisdom and kindness come through your thoughts and words. You are favorited on the Internet Explorer. Hope India and New Delhi give you love and joy; manifold of what you offer to us.


  3. I'm a regular reader too, although we've never met its a great blog but Daniel your wife is beautiful so don't leave her for the air conditioner!!!
