Tuesday, 29 March 2011

An early departure

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog regarding our experience when we attempted to register at the FRRO and in particular the challenge of the $25,000 earnings rule.
Well, we’ve now made further visits to the Ministry of Home Affairs and to the FRRO and have hit a brick wall in trying to get an extension to our existing 6 month visa so that we can work for the 12 month placement.
Despite attempts by VSO (and others) to get an exclusion cause inserted allowing development workers to receive an extension to an employment visa, this hasn't yet happened, and having spoken to officials at the Ministry it is unclear if and when this will happen. If an exclusion cause isn’t inserted (along with the current exemptions for non-English Language Teachers, and chefs etc) will not only impact on the work of VSO and the volunteers but also the hundreds of NGOs and the thousands of aid and development workers in India.
Now there are potentially a number of reasons why development workers haven’t been exempted….it could just be an oversight or it could be a tit-for-tat response for the UK government’s tightening of the UK visa  rules, or it could be that India (‘shining’?!) doesn’t feel the need or wish to be seen associated with aid and development or it could just be a cock up…..albeit fairly monumental!
So our options:
1)      Pay a bribe to get an extension.
2)      Ask someone who knows someone who is a Grand Fromage in the Ministry to get it sorted.
3)      Change our documentation and apply for a tourist visa instead.
4)      Overstay our visa and then apply for an exit visa and pay a fine when we need to leave.
And yes, we could continue to reapply up until our May deadline but this will give us months of uncertainy, with absolutely no guarantee of success!
All the above are possible options but either involve lying or being underhand in some fashion. Katie and I have discussed what next and so, after a lot of thought, we’ve decided that we will be leaving in May.
Aside from the frustrations of the Indian bureaucracy, it is really disappointing to be leaving our placements half way through our expected term. Both our roles have been enjoyable, challenging and worthwhile – as well as being immensely fulfilling and as Katie recently posted, she’s won an award in recognition of her work.
We’ve had a great four months so far and learnt a lot about India and had many amazing experiences. And to have to leave in May isn’t the way we would have wanted our experience to end.
Of course, we are looking forward to seeing our friends and families.
But we’ll also be looking for a home as ours is rented out until November……..and I’ll be looking for a job!


  1. "Disappointing" is perhaps the only publically acceptable word! I could very easily launch into a rant....but certainly neither the Indian administration nor VSO come out smelling of roses. I will however be delighted to see you both again!

    Rob W

  2. Dear Katie and Daniel
    I am sorry to read you will have to leave your placements earlier than you'd hoped. I came across your blog post while researching for an article I'm writing for Times of India about how the new ruling is affecting expats - those working for NGOs in particular. I'd really love to talk to you both further about your situation for this article. If you're happy to speak to me I'd be very grateful if you could get in touch as soon as you can - rachel.straus@timesgroup.com. With thanks and very best wishes, Rachel
